Although tooth extraction happens at your dentist’s office, how you care for the extraction site when you get home is critical to the healing process. The food you eat after having a tooth pulled can help your mouth heal more quickly and avoid dislodging the blood clot, which can cause a dry socket to form.
So, what are the best foods to eat after having a tooth pulled? Keep reading to learn more.
Your Diet after a Tooth Extraction
After a dental extraction, you need to avoid overusing your mouth to allow the extraction site to heal. Your dentist recommends eating soft foods following your procedure, so consider buying some of the following items before your dental appointment:
Soup – Any soup that doesn’t require chewing is a good choice after having a tooth pulled.
Scrambled eggs – Eggs are a great form of protein and vitamins and are easy to eat after a dental procedure.
Yogurt – Yogurt can soothe your sore mouth and provide essential calcium and protein.
Oatmeal – You can enjoy oatmeal after having a tooth pulled and benefit from the fiber it provides.
Avocados – Because they are soft and creamy, avocados are a great choice after an extraction.
Mashed potatoes – The silky texture of mashed potatoes makes them a popular choice after your trip to the dentist.
Cottage cheese – Cottage cheese is rich in calcium and high in protein, so it can help you heal faster.
Smoothies – Blending a green smoothie or a fruit smoothie is an excellent option after having a tooth pulled. Make sure to avoid using a straw.
Pudding – For a sweet treat, try eating pudding after your extraction.
Applesauce – Another great sweet option that won’t strain your jaw is applesauce.
Questions for Your Bellevue, NE, Dental Team?
If you have questions about caring for your extraction site or need advice on recommended foods after a dental procedure, contact our dental office. As your family dentist Bellevue, NE, Kennedy Dental is dedicated to providing you with the tools needed to achieve and maintain optimal oral health.
You can reach us by calling (402) 291-3535.