Dental implants are needed when you have teeth missing from your smile. Missing teeth can make you self-conscious about your smile and cause you to develop oral health issues. With a gap in your smile, your remaining teeth may begin to shift, leading to bite misalignment and difficulty chewing.
Additionally, without your natural tooth and root, your jawbone can begin to atrophy, which can cause your face to change shape as your jawbone breaks down.
Basically, tooth replacement is critical when you have gaps in your smile. As far as teeth replacement options are concerned, dental implants are the closest choice to natural teeth. For that reason, our dentists at Kennedy Dental often recommend dental implants over other tooth replacement options.
Dental implants are easy to maintain because you can care for them as you would your natural teeth, with regular brushing, flossing, and dental cleanings. They are also entirely secure, so you don’t have to worry about them falling out while laughing or talking!
Contact Our Bellevue Dentist Office!
If you have a missing tooth or teeth, you should seek advice from a dental professional on tooth replacement options. We will be happy to evaluate your dental needs. If dental implants are right for you, our dentists will help you complete your smile with dental implants.
To schedule your consultation with Kennedy Dental, give us a call today at (402) 291-3535!