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Kennedy Dental
Office Hours
Monday-Thursday 7am-5pm
Friday 7am-12pm
Emergency Service Available
Here at Kennedy Dental we are committed to providing you the best possible care in a compassionate and comfortable environment.
As part of our office remodel, we are also changing to a new software program.  As we implement this program, you may notice some changes in our patient paperwork, billing, and communication services.  Additionally, it make take us some extra time to respond to e-mail messages.  We appreciate your patience with us during this transition.
Thanks for letting us be part of your family!  We look forward to seeing you!

What are the warning signs of periodontal disease?

In the early stages of periodontal (gum) disease—the gingivitis stage—there may be few warnings. However, you might notice your gums bleeding when brushing and flossing. The good news is that gingivitis can be corrected.

Gum Disease Treatment at Kennedy Dental

If you have full gum disease, however, your dentist can restore you to better oral health, but gum Close up of tools and technology at dentist near me Bellevuedisease is an ongoing issue that requires diligence to manage. The goal of gum disease treatment is saving your teeth and preventing heart complications and other body wellness issues.

The signs of periodontal disease may include some or all of the following:

  • Bleeding gums
  • Red or swollen gums
  • Pocketing gums
  • Toothaches
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Loose teeth
  • Bad breath

Gum disease is largely preventable with excellent dental care and a good brushing and flossing routine at home. But if you do notice symptoms of gingivitis or gum disease, it is important to seek dental care as soon as possible. Your Bellevue, NE dentist can help prevent gingivitis from becoming full gum disease. We can also restore your mouth to better oral health through the latest innovations in periodontal treatment.

Contact Your Dentist Office in Bellevue, NE to Schedule

Our dentists treat gum disease compassionately and are always here for you. Reach out to a team member at Kennedy Dental today to schedule your gum checkup.

If you have difficulty using our website, please email us or call us at (402) 291-3535
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